{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig' %}
{% block layout_head_stylesheet %}
{{ parent() }}
{% block zen_layout_head_styles %}
{% if theme_config('zen-layout-bg-img') %}
<style data-plugin="zenitHorizon">{% apply spaceless %}
body {
background-image: url("{{ theme_config('zen-layout-bg-img') }}");
{% endapply %}</style>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block zen_layout_head_custom_css_files %}
{% if config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customCssFilesActive') %}
{{ config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customCssFiles')|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block zen_layout_head_custom_css_styles %}
{% if config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customCssActive') %}
<style data-plugin="zenitHorizonCustomCss">{% apply spaceless %}
{{ config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customCss')|replace({'<style>': '','</style>': ''})|raw }}
{% endapply %}</style>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block layout_head_javascript_tracking %}
{{ parent() }}
{% block zen_layout_head_theme_js_files %}
{% if config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customHeadJsFilesActive') %}
{{ config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customHeadJsFiles')|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block zen_layout_head_theme_js_custom %}
{% if config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customHeadJsActive') %}
<script data-plugin="zenitHorizonCustomHeadJs">
{{ config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.customHeadJs')|replace({'<script>': '','</script>': ''})|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block zen_base_webfont %}
{# Fonts implementation checks if has custom fonts to load #}
{% set hasCustomBaseFont = theme_config('zen-font-family-base-default') is null or theme_config('zen-font-family-base-default') is same as ('custom') %}
{% set hasCustomHeadlineFont = theme_config('zen-font-family-headline-default') is null or theme_config('zen-font-family-headline-default') is same as ('custom') %}
{% if theme_config('sw-font-family-base') and hasCustomBaseFont %}
{% set fontFamilyBase = theme_config('sw-font-family-base')|replace({'\'':'', ' ':'+'})|split(',')[0] ~ ':' ~ theme_config('zen-font-family-base-weight')|join(',') %}
{% endif %}
{% if theme_config('sw-font-family-headline') and hasCustomHeadlineFont %}
{% set fontFamilyHeadline = theme_config('sw-font-family-headline')|replace({'\'':'', ' ':'+'})|split(',')[0] ~ ':' ~ theme_config('zen-font-family-headline-weight')|join(',') %}
{% endif %}
{# Avoid double implementation when base and headline fonts are the same #}
{% if theme_config('sw-font-family-base') is same as (theme_config('sw-font-family-headline')) %}
{% if hasCustomBaseFont %}
{% set fontFamilyHeadline = '' %}
{% elseif hasCustomHeadlineFont %}
{% set fontFamilyBase = '' %}
{% endif %}
{% for weight in theme_config('zen-font-family-headline-weight') %}
{% if weight not in theme_config('zen-font-family-base-weight') %}
{% set fontFamilyBase = fontFamilyBase ~ ',' ~ weight %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Google Webfont Loader #}
{% block zen_base_webfont_loader %}
{% if theme_config('zen-font-family-import') and (hasCustomBaseFont or hasCustomHeadlineFont) %}
{# ... @zenit - check if it is app environment or not #}
{% if context.context.extensions['zenitPlatformHorizon'].system is not defined %}
{% set loader = asset('bundles/zenitplatformhorizon/assets/font/webfont.js') %}
{% else %}
{% set loader = asset('bundles/zenitplatformhorizon/storefront/assets/font/webfont.js') %}
{% endif %}
{# ... @zenit - theme script options #}
{% set googleFontsOptions = {
checkCookie: config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.googleFontsCookie'),
webfontLoaderUrl: loader,
zenthemeFontFamilyBase: fontFamilyBase,
zenthemeFontFamilyHeadline: fontFamilyHeadline
} %}
{% if config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.googleFontsCookie') %}
<template data-zen-google-fonts="true" data-zen-google-fonts-options="{{ googleFontsOptions|json_encode }}"></template>
{% else %}
<script data-plugin="zenitHorizonFonts">
var zenthemeFonts = [],
zenthemeFontFamilyBase = '{{ fontFamilyBase }}',
zenthemeFontFamilyHeadline = '{{ fontFamilyHeadline }}';
fontDisplay = '&display=swap';
zenthemeFontFamilyBase ? zenthemeFonts.push( zenthemeFontFamilyBase.replace('&','&') ) : '';
zenthemeFontFamilyHeadline ? zenthemeFonts.push( zenthemeFontFamilyHeadline.replace('&','&') ) : '';
zenthemeFonts.push( fontDisplay.replace('&','&') );
WebFontConfig = {
google: {
families: zenthemeFonts,
timeout: 2000,
active: function () {
let event = new Event('webfontsloaded');
(function(d) {
const wf = d.createElement('script'), s = d.scripts[0];
wf.src = '{{ loader }}';
wf.async = true;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s);
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block layout_head_apple %}
{{ parent() }}
<meta name="theme-color" content="{{ theme_config('zen-meta-theme-color') }}"/>
{% endblock %}