custom/plugins/zenitPlatformHorizon/src/Resources/views/storefront/layout/header/top-bar.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/top-bar.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block layout_header_top_bar %}
  3.     <div class="top-bar d-none d-lg-block">
  4.         <div class="container">
  5.             <nav class="top-bar-nav">
  6.                 {% block zen_layout_header_top_bar_login_register %}
  7.                     {% if topBarStyle is not same as ('offcanvas') and theme_config('zen-header-style') is not same as ('two-line')%}
  8.                         {% sw_include '@zenitPlatformHorizon/storefront/component/zen-login-register.html.twig' %}
  9.                     {% endif %}
  10.                 {% endblock %}
  11.                 {% block zen_layout_header_top_bar_marketing %}
  12.                     {% if topBarStyle is not same as ('offcanvas') and config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.marketingActive') %}
  13.                         <div class="top-bar-nav-item top-bar-marketing">
  14.                             {% sw_include '@zenitPlatformHorizon/storefront/component/zen-text-slider.html.twig' with {
  15.                                 active: config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.marketingActive'),
  16.                                 text: config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.marketingText'),
  17.                                 buttonText: config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.marketingButtonText'),
  18.                                 buttonLink: config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.marketingButtonLink'),
  19.                                 buttonTarget: config('zenitPlatformHorizon.config.marketingButtonTarget')
  20.                             } %}
  21.                         </div>
  22.                     {% endif %}
  23.                 {% endblock %}
  24.                 {% if theme_config('zen-header-style') is not same as ('two-line') or (theme_config('zen-header-style') is same as ('two-line') and topBarStyle is same as ('offcanvas')) %}
  25.                     {% block layout_header_top_bar_language %}
  26.                         {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/actions/language-widget.html.twig' %}
  27.                     {% endblock %}
  28.                     {% block layout_header_top_bar_currency %}
  29.                         {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/actions/currency-widget.html.twig' %}
  30.                     {% endblock %}
  31.                     {% block layout_header_top_bar_service %}
  32.                         {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/actions/service-menu-widget.html.twig' %}
  33.                     {% endblock %}
  34.                 {% endif %}
  35.                 {% block zen_layout_header_top_bar_close %}
  36.                     {% if topBarStyle is same as ('expandable') or topBarStyle is same as ('collapsible') %}
  37.                         <button class="btn top-bar-nav-btn btn-close-top-bar"
  38.                                 type="button"
  39.                                 aria-label="{{ "zentheme.general.closeTopBar"|trans|striptags }}"
  40.                                 {{ dataBsToggleAttr }}="collapse"
  41.                                 {{ dataBsTargetAttr }}="#topBarCollapse"
  42.                                 aria-expanded="true"
  43.                                 data-zen-collapse-top-bar-options="{{ collapseTopBarOptions|json_encode }}">
  44.                             {% block zen_layout_header_top_bar_close_icon %}
  45.                                 {% sw_icon 'x' style { 'size': 'sm' } %}
  46.                             {% endblock %}
  47.                         </button>
  48.                     {% endif %}
  49.                 {% endblock %}
  50.             </nav>
  51.         </div>
  52.     </div>
  53. {% endblock %}